Cyber Due Diligence
KCS Group Europe
The Requirement
Just as due diligence is becoming a standardised practice when dealing with individuals and corporations, so too should cyber due diligence be considered during mergers and acquisitions to understand, and reduce, the inherent risks from the digital sphere. A merging of networks, each with their own flaws, puts both at risk inherently – and to graft two networks together, or use a third-party partnership, without being fully aware of the potential vulnerabilities, is equally dangerous.
The Strategy
A KCS Group Cyber Due Diligence Evaluation involves identifying, monitoring, and supplying recommendations on addressing cyber risks in a network ecosystem along its entire length. Such diligence is proactive in that it identifies not only current vulnerabilities, but also gaps which future bad actors could exploit. The threat landscape will be assessed in a risk-sensitive manner to identify any potential contractual deadlocks or issues: this covers a data inventory, a review of cyber security assessments and policies both internally and externally, critiques of how third-party suppliers and individuals interact with the Client from a cyber perspective, the creation of a cyber security strategy (something which can be read alongside, but which must be separate from, existing Business Continuity Plans and the like), and recommendations for continuous threat monitoring. Expert investigative and analysis techniques will be used in the conducting of each project, with extensive analysis applied to the results to produce a report that sets out clearly where an organisation’s current and future problems lie.
The Benefit
The biggest output benefit is information: a KCS Group Cyber Due Diligence Evaluation enables a Client to better understand their cyber security position and that of any organisation with whom they are looking to merge or carry out business. The evaluation facilitates the development of compliance strategies, reducing fines or legal action, and gives comfort that the two parties share some degree of cyber security unity.