Cyber Services
KCS Group Europe
Cyber Security
KCS Group offers comprehensive proactive risk assessment services that provide organisations with a status report of their cyber risk exposure and posture, to enable them to make informed decisions on various cyber risks, threats and vulnerabilities that exist both internally and externally. The Group supports organisations in resource allocation based on the intelligence-led cyber services.
Cyber Threat Intelligence
KCS Group can assess your current security layout and procedures against industry standards and, once complete, can help advise on actions to mitigate any issues found...

Vulnerability Management
KCS Group can provide a more comprehensive assessment that runs from inside your network, allowing you to verify that your internal servers are patched and secured...
Penetration Testing
Infrastructure Pen Testing. This attempts to breach the company’s critical infrastructure. Industrial Control System (ICS) Pen Test exploits weaknesses that may exist in systems such as poor device configurations, unencrypted traffic, improper network segmentation, weak patching programs, and unpatched embedded devices. By testing, you can ensure that your security controls function as intended, and that your ICS are truly isolated...

Cyber Security Audit
Cyber security is the responsibility of every employee at all levels, and while the IT department takes the lead in setting the rules and recommending best practice, their efforts are for naught if the company at large remains a ‘wild west’...
Cyber Due Diligence
Just as due diligence is becoming a standardised practice when dealing with individuals and corporations, so too should cyber due diligence be considered during mergers and acquisitions to understand, and reduce, the inherent risks from the digital sphere...

Cyber Education
Education is an ongoing process, and the example must be set from the top down. Senior leaders need to understand the business-critical issues of cyber-security and vulnerability mitigation...
Countering Disinformation Covertly
With the advent of the ‘free’ Internet, information has never been so easy to find, yet so likely to be untrue. At the corporate level, false information can be fed to readers through a wide variety of Internet sites in service of political crackdowns, corporate espionage, or societal disruption...

Technical Surveillance Countermeasures
Whether through corporate or state-sanctioned espionage, firms of all kinds (and their staff) are at risk of being ‘bugged’ or otherwise compromised by sophisticated devices...
Discreet Reputation Management
In an age where anyone can post anything on the Internet, anonymously, unregulated and without accountability, Clients of any kind, must take steps not only to have a full awareness of the information posted about them online...

Intelligence Services
The intelligence work of KCS Group varies in nature but is always geared towards creating transparency and meeting strict Terms of Reference as outlined by the Client. Utilising the process of ‘intelligence fusion’: combining specialist open-source research, information from human assets and support from cyber quarters, to provide the most complete and actionable product.