
What drives FDI in the Asia Pacific Region?

The Asia Pacific region is witnessing economic growth despite the ongoing tensions between China and the smaller Asian nations in the South China Sea. Countries such as Cambodia, Vietnam, the Philippines and Singapore are experiencing a surge in foreign direct investment (FDI) from nations including Australia, Germany, Spain and the US. Investment is particularly noticeable [...]

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The South China Sea: Is there a compromise?

The South China Sea remains a focal point of strategic and territorial dispute, principally involving China and neighbouring ASEAN member countries like the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia and Indonesia. This region, crucial for international shipping and its wealth of natural resources, witnesses frequent disputes that have the potential to escalate into greater regional conflict. China's assertive

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Made in China: Is ‘China Plus One’ Working?

As multinationals adapt to the shifting challenges of global manufacturing, the ‘China plus one’ strategy was devised to facilitate such change. This approach promoted the diversification of supply chains away from China to neighbouring states to mitigate risks amid geopolitical upheaval. Unfavourable political exchanges aside, foreign business operating in China were also facing rising labour

Made in China: Is ‘China Plus One’ Working? Read More »

Awakening the Tiger: Vietnam’s surge in the global economy

Vietnam has witnessed substantial growth lately, recovering rather abruptly from the global chaos caused by the pandemic. Since then, the nation has welcomed a surge in foreign direct investments (FDI) and seen its manufacturing sector expand which, combined, have been the backbone of its economic recovery. The reason has, at least in part, been as

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