
Rebuilding Turkey will come with seismic risks for foreign investors…

21 February 2023 NEWS RELEASE - FOR IMMEDIATE USE Rebuilding Turkey will come with seismic risks for foreign investors, warn leading security and intelligence experts  KCS Group Europe says earthquakes have fractured Erdogan's support base and President could pay the price at May’s elections - but only if they are held fairly   Leading strategic [...]

Rebuilding Turkey will come with seismic risks for foreign investors… Read More »

Modi, Putin and the future of India: Does truth still triumph?

If great minds think alike, then so too must great dictators. As the world emerged from pandemic lockdowns in December 2021, Russia’s President Putin made Narenda Modi of India the subject of only his second international visit in almost two years, and the first in a subsequent line of appearances in autocracies across Central Asia,

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Creating a Dictator

The quagmire of a lengthy, painful, and ultimately unsuccessful campaign in Afghanistan in the 1980s is credited with hastening the demise of the Soviet Union. History could well be repeating, as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine stretches into an eleventh month and domestic discontent with Putin’s war continues to rise. Could this be the trigger that

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Russia and Putin: The end of the road?

If you drive south-east out of St. Petersburg, you find yourself on the Trans-Siberian Highway, a network of roads eleven thousand kilometres long that is, depending on your disposition towards Australia, either the longest or second-longest highway on the planet. But even eleven thousand kilometres must come to an end, and the prospect of Vladivostok

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Victor Orban: the Kremlin’s Trojan Horse?

Looking at the current Europe of the world should leave one in trepidation about the continent in the years to come. Because of the actions of one man with an extraordinary Napoleon complex, Russia is now a social pariah and has plunged Europe into an energy and cost of living crisis. Very few countries outwardly

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Why are Russian Oligarchs falling?

Has the recent spate of oligarchical deaths been a co-ordinated attack orchestrated by Putin who fears their growing power turning against him, or is it Ukrainian/Western special forces taking out allies of the Russian government as revenge for its aggression in Ukraine, or is it just the nature of the beast? Firstly, it should be

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The Fifth International: The Kremlin’s plan for Europe

A term that used to refer to the efforts made by groups of socialists and communists to create a new workers' international, the Fifth International now has a different, more sinister meaning. According to historian, Yuri Felshtinsky, Russia has managed to secure its political influence throughout Europe to create pro-Kremlin political parties and groups, and

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Oligarchy in Russia: The Jaws of a dilemma

As Ukraine looks to rebuild both practically and socially (a reconstruction program requiring hundreds of billions of Euros is being put forward and there are tentative plans to restart the country’s football season), the biggest earthquake is yet to come. In an unexpected yet devastating move, President Zelensky has stripped Ukrainian citizenship from Ihor Kolomoyskyi,

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