Russia:Ukraine conflict

Two’s company, three’s a crowd

Recent developments have identified an escalation of alliances, with North Korean (NK) premier, Kim Jong Un, bolstering Vladimir Putin’s military capability by providing much-needed arms and personnel supplies for their war against Ukraine. This enhanced collaboration not only reveals a greater bond between NK and Russia, but it also presents a subtle challenge within the [...]

Two’s company, three’s a crowd Read More »

Damned if you do, damned if you don’t – Putin and the BRICS summit

Putin’s decision to avoid the BRICS summit is not all it seems. Between 22 and 24 August, South Africa will have the honour of hosting the 2023 annual BRICS summit. The big names – Brazil, India, China and the hosts, South Africa – will be present in full force. The Russian President will not. BRICS

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France and Germany: The Kremlin Clock is ticking

With the planet’s doomsday clock still set at three minutes to midnight, Ukraine might be forgiven for expecting at least the second hand to have ticked onwards a little more. If the prospect of World War III is not enough, then what is? A consequence, perhaps, of the perception that this is still something of

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France: Liberty, Equality, Inadequacy?

How quickly things change in politics. In April, Emanuel Macron was heralded as the latest saviour of Europe, having defeated the far-right challenge of Marine Le Pen for a second time and promising to remain leader of the fight against Putin – a statesman for our times. Now, he has lost control of the French

France: Liberty, Equality, Inadequacy? Read More »

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